Book Making · 2 January 2025

Starting Out In Zines

8-page zine

8-page zine

It’s taken me years playing about with formats and styles and still I’ve never really come to a decision on how I wanted to show my work, but lockdown has given me a chance to join in with a few workshops and groups and one of them was called The Lockdown Zine Collective where a few FB friends gave input for a collective zine.

That was great fun and I wanted to explore this further and joined in with a live Instagram session that was offered by The Bowes Museum as part of their Bouts Art School summer sessions.

This showed how to make a simple 8-page zine like the one in the top right.

This was fine and after a couple of tries it was quite easy to make the folds and cut, but I wanted to be able to print things out and couldn’t find a template for this.

A little while later I was able to develop a template for Pages (can also be exported to Word if needed) so I can print out what I need and still leave space for hand drawn/written objects in the final zine.

I’ve started producing zines – the first one is called “The New Normal” photos taken of discarded PPE when out on a walk, these will all be small editions but it will mean I’m finally getting my photographs printed and out there in a format I feel happy with.

Will be looking at developing more zines using my photo archive and experimenting with different zine formats, I’ve already bought a heavy duty stapler and some different papers to play about with, it’s also reminded me that I’ve got book-making tools and have made a couple of simple signatures and notebooks.

Will have to dig out those tools as well and have a bit of fun.

Also a great resource on zine making can be found here – how to make a zine

This was originally posted on the 6th October 2020

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