After owning a Full Frame Canon (5D Mk II) for a while, I felt that I was using my iPhone more often than not to take photos as the Canon was too heavy and cumbersome for me to carry around all the time.
A few years ago I owned a Panasonic GF1 (the image above was taken with this camera) so I decided to sell all my Canon equipment and go back to Micro 4/3. I now have a GX1 and GF2 body (both Panasonic) and several lenses. One of the bodies with a long lens on it still weighs less than the L lens I had on the camera, never mind the camera and lens. The other benefit is the GF2 and 20mm lens can fit in my pocket and looks like a compact camera making it perfect for street photography.
Looking forward to getting out and about and playing with the new equipment.
originally posted 30/03/2013
*update – I’m now using a Canon EOS M system 🙂
This is available to buy on my Redbubble account