Art Manifesto · 4 January 2025

Art Manifesto

Mouvement DADA

Mouvement DADA

When I was studying for my Art History degree with the Open University I wrote an assignment concerning the development of the artist’s manifesto during the 19th and 20th century and how this was linked to a more individualistic approach to the arts rather than working from the ideals of the French, Italian or British schools of art.

Why Cheap Art?

Why Cheap Art?

This list has travelled around various blogs but is now settling down here.

Links will take you to the article on this website.

  1. Gustav Courbet ‘Realist Manifesto’ (1855)
  2. F.T. Marinetti ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism’ (1909)
  3. Ananda K Coomaraswamy ‘Art and Swadeshi’ (1909)
  4. Takamura Kōtarō ‘A Green Sun’ (1910)
  5. Umberto Boccioni and others ‘Manifesto of the Futurist Painters’ (1910)
  6. Umberto Boccioni and others ‘Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto’ (1910)
  7. F.T. Marinetti ‘Against Traditionalist Venice’ (1910)
  8. Guillaume Apollinaire ‘On the Subject in Modern Painting’ (1912)
  9. Valentine de Saint-Point ‘Manifesto of Futurist Women’ (1912)
  10. Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc ‘Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanac’ (1912)
  11. Luigi Russolo ‘The Art of Noises’ (1913)
  12. Mikhael Larionov and Natalya Goncharova ‘Rayonists and Futurists: A Manifesto’ (1913)
  13. Guillaume Apollinaire ‘L’antitradition futuriste’ (1913)
  14. Carlo Carrà ‘The Painting of Sounds , Noises and Smells’ (1913)
  15. Giacomo Balla ‘Futurist Manifesto of Men’s Clothing’ (1913)
  16. Valentine de Saint-Point ‘Futurist Manifesto of Lust’ (1913)
  17. Mina Loy ‘Aphorisms on Futurism’ (1914)
  18. F.T. Marinetti and C.R.W. Nevinson ‘The Futurist Manifesto Against English Art’ (1914)
  19. Wyndham Lewis and others ‘Our Vortex’ (1914)
  20. Wyndham Lewis and others ‘Manifesto’ (1914)
  21. Antonio Sant’ Elia ‘Manifesto of Futurist Architecture’ (1914)
  22. F.T. Marinetti and others ‘Futurist Synthesis of the War’ (1914)
  23. Mina Loy ‘Feminist Manifesto’ (1914)
  24. Ricciotto Canudo ‘Cerebrist Art’ (1914)
  25. Carlo Carrà ‘Warpainting’ (1915)
  26. Vladimir Mayakovsky ‘A Drop of Tar’ (1915)
  27. Hugo Ball ‘Dada Manifesto’ (1916)
  28. Tristan Tzara ‘The 1st DADA Manifesto’ (1916)
  29. Kasimir Malevich ‘Suprematist Manifesto’ (1916)
  30. Olga Rozanova ‘Cubism, Futurism, Suprematism’ (1917)
  31. Vladimir Mayakovsky and others ‘Manifesto of the Flying Federation of Futurists’ (1918)
  32. Richard Huelsenbeck ‘First German Dada Manifesto’ (1918)
  33. Amédéé Ozenfant and Charles Edouard Jeanneret ‘Purism’ (1918)
  34. Tristan Tzara ‘Dada Manifesto’ (1918)
  35. Aleksandr Rodchenko and others ‘Manifesto of Suprematists and Non-Objective Painters’ (1919)
  36. Richard Huelsenbeck and Raul Hausmann ‘What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?’ (1919)
  37. Walter Gropius ‘What is Architecture?’ (1919)
  38. Walter Gropius ‘Bauhaus Manifesto’ (1919)
  39. Francis Picabia ‘Dada Manifesto’ (1920)
  40. Francis Picabia ‘Dada Cannibalistic Manifesto’ (1920)
  41. Tristan Tzara and others ‘Twenty-Three Manifestos of the Dada Movement’ (1920)
  42. Naum Gabo and Anton Pezner ‘The Realistic Manifesto’ (1920)
  43. Liubov Popova ‘ On Organizing Anew’ (1921)
  44. Ljubomir Micič ‘Manifest Zenzitizma’ (1921)
  45. Tristan Tzara and others ‘ Dada Excites Everything’ (1921)
  46. Manuel Maples Arce ‘A Strident Prescription’ (1921)
  47. Dziga Vertor ‘WE: Variant of a Manifesto’ (1922)
  48. Vincente Huidabro ‘We Must Create’ (1922)
  49. Aleksandr Rodchenko ‘Manifesto of the Constructivist Group’ (1922)
  50. Theo van Doesburg and others ‘Manifesto I of De Stijl’ (1922)
  51. Le Corbusier ‘Toward an Architecture’ (1923)
  52. Theo van Doesburg and others ‘Manifesto Prole Art’ (1923)
  53. Tomoshoi Murayama and others ‘Mavo Manifesto’ (1923)
  54. David Alfaro Siqueiros and others ‘ Manifesto of the Union of Mexican Workers, Technicians, Painters and Sculptors’ (1923)
  55. The Red Group ‘Manifesto’ (1924)
  56. André Breton ‘Manifesto of Surrealism’ (1924)
  57. José Carlos Mariátegui ‘Art, Revolution and Decadence’ (1926)
  58. Oswaldo de Andrade ‘Cannibalist Manifesto’ (1928)
  59. Salvador Dalí and others ‘Yellow Manifesto’ (1928)
  60. André Breton ‘Second Manifesto fo Surrealism’ (1929)
  61. The Art Movement Society ‘Manifesto’ (1929)
  62. F.T. Marinetti and others ‘Manifesto of Futurist Cuisine’ (1930)
  63. Légitime Défense ‘Manifesto’ (1932)
  64. The Storm Society ‘Manifesto’ (1932)
  65. John Reed Club of New York ‘Draft Manifesto’ (1932)
  66. Karoly (Charles) Sirato and others ‘Dimensionist Manifesto’ (1932)
  67. Mario Sironi ‘Manifesto of Mural Painting’ (1933)
  68. Peyami Safa ‘D Group Manifesto’ (1933)
  69. Aimé Césaire ‘Négreries: Black Youth and Assimilation’ (1935)
  70. André Breton, Diego Rivera and Leon Trotsky ‘Manifesto: Towards a Free Revolutionary Art’ (1938)
  71. Jean (Hans) Aro ‘Concrete Art’ (1942)
  72. The European School ‘ Manifesto (1945)
  73. Georges Henein ‘Manifesto’ (1945)
  74. Lucio Fonana ‘White Manifesto’ (1946)
  75. Edward Bayley and others ‘Inventionist Manifesto’ (1946)
  76. Arte Madi ‘Madi Manifesto’ (1947)
  77. Constant Nieuwenhuys ‘Manifesto’ (1948)
  78. Barnett Newman ‘The Sublime is Njow’ (1948)
  79. Vladimir Boudnik ‘Explosionalism Manifesto No. 2’ (1949)
  80. Shakir Hassan al-Said ‘Manifesto of the Baghdad Modern Art Group’ (1951)
  81. The Fighting Cock Art Group ‘The Nightingale’s Butcher Manifesto’ (1951)
  82. Exat 51 Group ‘Manifesto’ (1951)
  83. Grupo ruptura ‘ruptura Manifesto’ (1952)
  84. The Calcutta Group ‘Manifesto of the Calcutta Group’ (1953)
  85. Victor Vasarely ‘Notes for a Manifesto’ (1955)
  86. Jirō Yoshihara ‘The Gutai Manifesto’ (1956)
  87. Ferrára Guillar ‘Neo-Concrete Manifesto’ (1956)
  88. Enrico Baj ‘Interplanetary Art’ (1959)
  89. Jean Tinguely ‘For Static’ (1959)
  90. Ferreira Gullar ‘Neo-Concrete Manifesto’ (1959)
  91. Gustav Metzger ‘Auto-Destructive Art’ (1959, 1960, 1961)
  92. Guy Debord ‘Situationist Manifesto’ (1960)
  93. Uche Okeke ‘Natural Synthesis’ (1960)
  94. Pierre Restany ‘1st Statement on New Realism’ (1960)
  95. Claes Oldenburg ‘I am for an art…’ (1961)
  96. Georg Baselitz ‘Pandemonic Manifesto I 2nd Version’ (1961)
  97. El Techo de la Ballena ‘For the Restitution of Magma’ (1961)
  98. Josip Vaništa ‘Untitled (Gorgona Manifesto) (1961)
  99. Maya Deren ‘A Statement of Principles’ (1961)
  100. Rafael Montanez Ortiz ‘Destructivism: A Manifesto’ (1962)
  101. Jikan-Ha ‘Manifesto of the Jikan-Ha Group’ (1962)
  102. George Maciunus ‘Fluxus Manifesto’ (1963)
  103. Wolf Vostell ‘Manifesto’ (1963)
  104. Stan Brakhage ‘Metaphors on Vision’ (1963)
  105. Group 1890 ‘Group 1890 Manifesto’ (1963)
  106. Alberto Greco ‘Manifesto Vivo-Dito) (1963)
  107. Stanley Brouwn ‘A Short Manifesto’ (1964)
  108. Derek Jarman ‘Manifesto’ (1964)
  109. Tadeusz Kantor ‘The Emballage Manifesto’ (1964)
  110. Aktual Art ‘Manifesto of Aktual Art’ (1964)
  111. Otto Mühl ‘Material Action Manifesto’ (1965)
  112. HAPPSOC ‘HAPPSOC Manifesto’ (1965)
  113. David Medalla ‘MMMMMMM…Manifesto (a fragment) (1965)
  114. Július Koller ‘Anti-Happening (Subjective Objectivity System) (1965)
  115. Robert Venturi ‘Non-Straightforward Architecture: A Gentle Manifesto’ (1966)
  116. Arte de los Medios de Comunicación Masivos ‘A Mass-Mediatic Art (1966)
  117. I.G. Plamen and Marko Pogačnik ‘OHO’ (1966)
  118. Lev Nussberg ‘A Kinetic Manifesto’ (1966)
  119. The Aouchem Group ‘The Aouchem Manifesto’ (1967)
  120. The Vanguard Artists’ Group ‘Tucumán Arde Manifesto’ (1968)
  121. Gilbert and George ‘The Laws of Sculpture’ (1969)
  122. Mierle Laderman Ekeles ‘Maintenance Art Manifesto’ (1969)
  123. Eduardo Costa ‘Useful Art Manifesto’ (1969)
  124. The Casablanca School ‘Manifesto’ (1969)
  125. Hori Kōsai ‘Why Are We “Artists”?’ (1969)
  126. The Organisation of African Unity ‘Pan-African Cultural Manifesto’ (1969)
  127. Agnes Denes ‘A Manifesto’ (1969)
  128. The New Vision Group ‘Towards a New Vision’ (1969)
  129. Paul Neagu ‘Palpable Art Manifesto’ (1969)
  130. Gilbert and George ‘What Our Art Means’ (1970)
  131. Grupo Vértebra ‘The Vértebra Manifesto’ (1970)
  132. Artur Barrio ‘MUD/MEAT SEWER’ (1970)
  133. Gyula Pauer ‘The First Pseudo Manifesto’ (1970)
  134. Rivolta Femminile ‘On Woman’s Absence from Celebratory Manifestations of Male Creativity’ (1971)
  135. Ted Joans ‘Proposition for a Black Power Manifesto’ (1971)
  136. Jaroslaw Kozlowski and Andrzej Kostolowski (NET Manifesto’ (1972)
  137. VALIE EXPORT ‘Women’s Art: A Manifesto’ (!972)
  138. Mike Brown ‘I don’t know what to think about anything (It don’t matter, nohow)’ (1972)
  139. Vitaly Komar and Aleksandr Melamid ‘Sots-Art KManifesto’ (1972-3)
  140. Anita Steckel ‘Statement on Censorship’ (1973)
  141. Shakir Hassan al-Said ‘One Dimension’ (1973)
  142. Barbara Jones-Hogu ‘The History, Philosophy and Aesthetics of AFRI-COBRA’ (1973)
  143. Douglas Davis ‘Manifesto’ (1974)
  144. Generation Anak Alam ‘Manifesto Generation Anak Alam’ (1974)
  145. Sulaiman Esa and Redza Piyadasa ‘Towards a Mystical Reality’ (1974)
  146. Mikhail Chemiakin and Vladimir Ivanov ‘Metaphysical Synthetism Manifesto: Programme of the St Petersburg Group’ (1974)
  147. Maroin Dib and others ‘Manifesto of the Arab Surrealist Movement’ (1975)
  148. The Artists’ Front of Thailand ‘Manifesto of the Artists’ Front of Thailand’ (1975)
  149. The Indonesian New Arts Movement ‘Manifesto of the Indonesian New Arts Movement’ (1975)
  150. Rasheed Araeen ‘Preliminary Notes for a BLACK MANIFESTO’ (1975-6)
  151. The Azad Group ‘Manifsto’ (1976)
  152. Kaisahan ‘Kaisahan Manifesto’ (1976)
  153. Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki ‘Manifesto for a Radical Femininity for an Other Cinema’ (1977)
  154. Rem Koolhaas ‘Delerious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan’ (1978)
  155. Valerie Jaudon and Joyce Kozloff ‘Art Hysterical Notions of Progress and Culture’ (1978)
  156. Melissa Meyer and Miriam Schapiro ‘Waste Not Want Not: An Inquiry into What Women Saved and Assembled – Femmage’ (1978)
  157. Grupo Antillano ‘Manifesto’ (1978)
  158. The Crystalist Group ‘The Crystalist Manifesto’ (1978)
  159. Mangelos ‘manifsto of manifesto’ (1978)
  160. Huang Rui ‘Preface to the First Stars Art Exhibition’ (1979)
  161. Coop Himmelblau ‘Architecture Must Blaze’ (1980)
  162. Andrzej Partum ‘Animal Manifesto’ (1980)
  163. Reality and Utterance ‘On Founding “Reality and Utterance” ‘ (1980)
  164. Habib Tengour ‘Maghrebian Surrealism’ (1981)
  165. Eddie Chambers ‘Black Artists for Uhuru’ (1982)
  166. Colectivo de Acciones de Arte ‘A Declaration be the CADA’ (1982)
  167. John Akomfrah ‘Black Independent Film-Making: A Statement by the Black Audio Film Collective’ (1983)
  168. Women Artists of Pakistan ‘Women Artists of Pakistan Manifesto’ (1983)
  169. Bedri Baykam ‘The San Francisco Manifesto’ (1984)
  170. Vladan Radovanović ‘The Vocovisual’ (1984)
  171. Laboratoire AGIT’art ‘Memory of the Future?’ (1984)
  172. Dumb Type ‘Flyer for Plan for Sleep #1’ (1984)
  173. Georg Basielitz ‘Painter’s Equipment’ (1985)
  174. Chinese United Overseas Artists ‘Manifesto Chinese United Overseas Artists’ (1985)
  175. NSK ‘Internal Book of Laws’ (1985)
  176. Vohou-Vohou ‘The Vohou-Vohou Revolution’ (1985)
  177. The Pond Association ‘Declaration of the Pond Association’ (1986)
  178. Wang Guangyi ‘We – Participants of the ” ’85 Art Movement” ‘ (1986)
  179. Chila Kumari Burman ‘There Have Always Been Great Blackwomen Artists’ (1986)
  180. The School of the One ‘Founding Manifesto’ (1986)
  181. Ding Fang ‘Red Brigade Precept’ (1987)
  182. Anita Dube ‘Questions and Dialogue’ (1987)
  183. R.B. Kitaj ‘First Diasporist Manifesto’ (1989)
  184. The Eye Society ‘The Eye Manifesto’ (1989)
  185. Eda Čufer and IRWIN ‘The Ear behind the Painting (1990)
  186. Dale Nason ‘Cyber Dada Manifesto’ (1991)
  187. VNS Matrix ‘Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century’ (1991)
  188. Lebbeus Woods ‘Manifesto’ (1993)
  189. Marko Peljhan ‘Projekt Atol Manifesto: In Search for a New Condition’ (1993)
  190. Dogme 95 ‘Manifesto’ (1995)
  191. Michael Betancourt ‘The —- Manifesto’ (1996)
  192. Charles Jencks ’13 Propositions of Post-Modern Architecture’ (1996)
  193. The Institute of People-Oriented Culture “Taring Padi” ‘Manifesto’ (1998)
  194. Werner Herzog ‘Minnesota Declaration’ (1999)
  195. Billy Childish and Charles Thomson ‘The Stuckist Manifesto’ (1999)
  196. Takashi Murakami ‘The Super Flat Manifesto’ (2000)
  197. Billy Childish and Charles Thomson ‘Remodernist Manifesto’ (2000)
  198. Frente 3 de Fevereiro ‘Manifesto of Frente 3 de Fevereiro’ (2004)
  199. R.B. Kitaj ‘Second Diasporist Manifesto’ (2007)
  200. Austin Williams and others ‘Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture’ (2008)
  201. Pélagie Gbaguidi ‘Manifesto Against The “Black Code” edict of Louis XIV, 1685 (2008)
  202. Adam Pendleton ‘Black Dada’ (2008)
  203. Yvonne Rainer ‘A Manifesto Reconsidered’ (2008)
  204. Edgeworth Johnson, Shelley Li and others ‘The Founding Manifesto and Rules of the Other Muswell Hill Stuckists’ (2009)
  205. Allyson Mitchell ‘Deep Lez’ (2009)
  206. Abounaddara ‘What is to be done?’ (2011)
  207. Tania Bruguera and Immigrant Movement International ‘Migrant Manifesto’ (2011)
  208. Tania Bruguera ‘Manifesto on Artists’ Rights’ (2012)

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